Invest more time and energy into growing your business?

Finally finish that project that's been on the back burner for too long?

Take an afternoon off to spend with your family?

Sound too good to be true? It doesn't have to be.

Men and women just like you are taking advantage of a simple strategy to save time and money on a life-changing scale. What are they doing? They're delegating. They are choosing to hand off their most mundane, most time-draining tasks to someone else. Then, while someone else is getting their work done, they are focusing their time and effort into the projects that really matter. Like growing their business, making more money, or even just going home a little less stressed out at the end of each day.

Great! But new employees cost so much money.

It's true. An employee does cost a lot of money. You have to pay them a livable wage, provide them with a work station, expensive software, sick leave, vacation time and healthcare, plus pay into their retirement and make sure that the appropriate taxes are paid for. Then there's the insurance coverage you need, in case something should happen to one of them while they are at work. And we haven't even mentioned the time it takes to find a good employee you can trust, the hours spent training and grooming the employee for their new role, or the frustration you feel when your new "star employee" fails to be quite as stellar as expected.

The simple solution: Hire a virtual assistant.

In today's online society there are a thousand things that you need to have done, that you personally don't need to handle. By hiring a virtual assistant, you can choose to hand off any number of tasks for as long (or as short) as you need. And since a virtual assistant is an independent contractor with their own business, you never have to worry about paying for all of the overhead that comes with hiring an employee. Or spending large amounts of money just trying to find a good employee. 

Zoomediate. Because sometimes, life's a zoo.

Here at Zoomediate I offer a variety of virtual assistant and writing services to clients both large and small, because I believe that the key to success often lies in the art of delegation. Regardless of the type of task I take on for a client, I consistently am able to help them save time and money that they can then invest in other areas of their lives.  

So take a breath and consider what you could get done with just a little bit more time each day. When you're done, check out my other pages for more information about me and my company. Or contact me directly ( to discuss how I can start helping you get more done today!





When you hire a virtual assistant you don't want just anyone. You want someone you can trust and count on to get the job done. Every time. Check out my about page to learn more about my background and what in the world this all has to do with animals. 



Would you love to get some tasks off of your to-do list, but you're just not sure what types of things you can delegate to me? Visit my services page for a list of possible tasks that I can take on for you, and a brief explanation of my basic client policies.